Tuesday, April 24, 2012

One week down ....22 pounds to go

After one full week I am down 1.8 pounds. I was concerned my milk supply would decrease so far it seems good. He is going through a growth spurt though, yikes my boobs hurt. Slow and steady. August 20th will be here soon enough.

My favorite snacks

My biggest downfall is I love to snack, all day. Yikes. That is how the pounds creep up. Sooooo.....My favorite snacks have to be under three points or it is a waste to me. I love Laughing Cow cheese wedges. My favorite is garlic and herb and each wedge is 1pp! I have that with carrots or snap peas and I have my crunch fix and a little cheese, too. I also love Atkins bars. I like the endulge kind because most are two points and you get chocolate, nuts, caramel and it satisfies my sweet tooth, all for two points. I also like Synders lightly salted pretzel twists 18 are three points. That may seem a lot but I like pretzels so it is worth it to me. The point is you need to find a balance between your favorite snack and how many points you want to use. I am trying to eat bigger meals and that helps me feel full longer. We shall see.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Back on the band wagon

So I'M baaaack! I am officially cleared to start exercise and "other" activities. I am not one of those pregnant ladies who lose all their weight the second they leave the hospital (those who are I am jealous!)I gained 31 pounds with Cole and 27 with Jeremiah. I only lost 13 since having him. He did weight 7.2 pounds but come on people! Since most of my day is spent nursing my baby I get 14 extra points! 14 extra sounds like a lot but I am starving at the end of the night. I also ordered Jillian Michaels 30 day shred. I heard it is great but I know it is going to kick my butt. My goal is to be at my pre-preggo weight by Aug 20 (first day back for teachers. That gives me four months. So in my blog you will find fun recipes that are usually Weight Watchers* friendly. If you are looking for crazy healthy or gourmet, you are looking in the wrong place. I make my dinners family friendly, I am not a short order cook. I hope you love the recipes. * I do not work for Weight Watchers -just love the plan and find good results.